Friday, April 11, 2014

Same-sex marriage/adoption

I absolutely agree with Julie's editorial in the sense that everyone should be able to get married. It is a right that everyone should have. However, what I do not agree with is the editorial's view on same-sex adoption. 

The argument why same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children is tired and it is a form of victim blaming which I really do not approve of. What you are saying is that because other people are narrow-minded and bigoted, loving people should not be allowed to have children -- children who are in desperate need of a loving home. These children often live in horrible conditions. For example, watch the documentary Stuck for some information about the conditions of children in orphanages and tell me that loving, same-sex parents would give them a worse to be. It is true that there is a risk that some people will treat these children differently because of their parents sexual orientation. However, there is a risk that someone will treat you poorly for a number of reasons, but we can't let bullies win. Secondly, people who treat people differently because of this - or for any reasons - are the ones who are in the wrong, other people should not have to be punished because these people are judgmental and simpleminded. 

Just a few decades ago -- and stilll today in some areas -- interracial marriage was frowned upon and interracial children were looked down upon because they were of mixed race but this has - mostly - gone away today. Today, it is more accepted because people were forced to change their views. The public opinion changed and it will change in this area too. I understand that it is not exactly the same because this is about biological children, but I still believe that there are striking similarities which counter your argument. 

I know several same sex couples who have had biological children -- having children with friends or using sperm banks and/or surrogates -- and this practice is becoming more common each day. These children are loved and in some cases they have four parents who love them dearly, in some cases fewer just like in any other family where parents break up and find new partners. I believe that adoption should be an option for same-sex couples who can provide good homes. 

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